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Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Clifton Report has been debunked repeatedly.,d.dmQ 

edit: Love this part!: 

According to Clifton's report , during the 24-year period covered by his study there were a total of 2,209 “ attacks doing bodily harm” in the U.S. and Canada. 1,182 of those attacks were by pit bulls and pit bull mixes. (Lumping mixes together with so-called purebreds makes no sense from any standpoint, but Mr. Clifton lumps them together --- so I will, too, again for the purposes of this post.)

1,182 severe attacks by pit bulls and pit mixes in the U.S. and Canada over a 24-year period works out to an average of just over 49 severe attacks by pit bulls and pit bull mixes in North America per year.

If Clifton’s pit bull numbers are correct, and no more than 49 of the 6,000 or so hospitalizations due to severe dog bites in the U.S. each year are a result of pit bull bites or attacks, then pit bulls and pit mixes are responsible for less than one percent of those hospitalizations.

.82%. Eighty-two hundredths of a percent of hospitalizations due to dog bites in the U.S. each year are a result of pit bull bites or attacks, if the press has accurately represented the number of serious attacks by pit bulls and pit mixes. 

It's based on media report where untrained people attempted to visually identify the alleged breed of the dog. Such visual IDs are really no better than random chance, even when done by dog experts. 

Finally, there are no reputable professionals in animal behavior, veterinary medicine, bite prevention or dog training that even accept the Clifton Report: 

Merritt Clifton’s tabulation of dog bite articles is incomplete, inaccurate and badly edited. Readers have no way to access the original news stories and follow-up articles; breeds of dogs aren’t accurately recorded; and there is a significant discrepancy between press accounts of dog attacks and actual hospital data.

In a single year , for example, at least 6,000 people were hospitalized in the U.S. as a result of dog attacks, according to the CDC. Clifton, by contrast, claims that during the 24-year period covered by his study there were a total of 2,209 “ attacks doing bodily harm” in the U.S. and Canada.

Spreading lies does not help your cause.

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